Creating & Modifying Source Extensions

This section of the docs is really only intended for those who want to write, or modify, their own source extensions. But, it can be helpful to understand how they work, even for those who don’t want to write an extension.

Trump’s framework enables sources of varying, dynamic, and proprietary types. A source extension is basically a generalized way of getting a pandas Series out of an existing external API. For instance examples include, the pandas datareader, a standardized DBAPI 2.0 accessible schema, a proprietary library, or something as simple as a CSV file. At a high level, each symbol’s feed’s source’s kwargs are passed to the appropriate source extension, based on the defined source type.

When each symbol is cached, it loops through each of it’s feeds. Each feed’s source is queried, using four critical python lines in orm.Feed.cache():

if stype in sources: = sources[stype](, **kwargs)
   raise Exception("Unknown Source Type : {}".format(stype))

The important line, is the second one. ‘sources’, is a dictionary loaded every time trump’s is imported. The key’s are just strings representing the “Source Type”, eg. “DBAPI”, “Quandl”, “BBFetch” (Example of a proprietary source). The values of the sources dictionary are SourceExtension objects. The SourceExtension objects wrap modules discovered dynamically when scans the source extension folder. The code for the SourceExtension is below:

class SourceExtension(object):
   def __init__(self, mod):  #instantiated only once per import of trump.orm
      self.initialized = False
      self.mod = mod
      self.renew = mod.renew
      self.Source = mod.Source
   def __call__(self, _ses, **kwargs):  #called each symbol's feed's cache (in the second line above)
      if not self.initialized or self.renew:
         self.fetcher = self.Source(_ses, **kwargs)
         self.initialized = True
      return self.fetcher.getseries(_ses, **kwargs)

A SourceExtension is instantiated only once, when passes a module it discovered. The modules, are the “source extension”, which are just simply python files, required to be created in a standard way. The standard can be illustrated with an example. Below, is an example csv-file source extension (which may be stale, compared to the actual csv extension).

See trump/extensions/source for more examples.

stype = 'PyDataCSV'
renew = False

class Source(object):
   def __init__(self, ses, **kwargs):
      from pandas import read_csv
      self.read_csv = read_csv

   def getseries(self, ses, **kwargs):

      col = kwargs['data_column']
      del kwargs['data_column']

      fpob = kwargs['filepath_or_buffer']
      del kwargs['filepath_or_buffer']

      df = self.read_csv(fpob, **kwargs)

      data = df[col]

      return data

Noticed that the two variables, stype & renew, as well as the Source class, are used in the SourceExtension instantiation.

Source Extension Standard Form

Any extension module needs 3 things; an stype variable, renew variable, and Source class.

stype (str)

stype is the string used in the ‘sources’ dictionary mentioned earlier, and must match the the stype set in the corresponding Source template(s).

renew (boolean)

renew is a boolean, which determines if the Source object is reinstantiated on every use. For instance, one might create a source, which sets up a database connection, which stays open for the life of any script using trump’s orm, but only if that specific source is used at least once. Renew would be set to False, and the connection logic, would be put in Source.__init__. Alternatively, if a new connection would be required on every symbol’s cache, renew would be set to True. The tradeoffs, are speed and resource constraints. Both __init__ and getseries get the same arguments. The current live trump session, and the symbol’s feed’s source kwargs.

Source (class)

Source is an an object with one other method, getseries, other than the constructor (__init__). Both take the same arguments: the trump session, and the Symbol’s Feed’s Source’s kwargs. getseries, returns a dataframe.

Pre-Installed Source Extensions


# the directory is tx-bbfetch
stype = 'BBFetch'
renew = True

Required kwargs:

  • ‘elid’
  • ‘bbtype’ = [‘COMMON’, ‘BULK’], then a few relevant kwargs depending on each.

Optional kwargs:

  • ‘duphandler’ - ‘sum’
  • ‘croptime’ - boolean


# the directory is tx-dbapi
stype = 'DBAPI'
renew = True

The DBAPI driver, will use by default the same driver SQLAlchemy is using for trump. There is currently no way to change this default. It’s assumed that the driver is DBAPI 2.0 compliant.

Required kwargs include:

  • ‘dbinsttype’ which must be one of ‘COMMAND’, ‘KEYCOL’, ‘TWOKEYCOL’
  • ‘dsn’, ‘user’, ‘password’, ‘host’, ‘database’, ‘port’

Optional kwargs include:

  • duphandler [‘sum’] which just groups duplicate index values together via the sum.

Additional kwargs:

Required based on ‘dbinsttype’ chosen:

‘COMMAND’ : - ‘command’ which is just a SQL string, where the first column becomes the index, and the second column becomes the data.

‘KEYCOL’ : - [‘indexcol’, ‘datacol’, ‘table’, ‘keycol’, ‘key’]

‘TWOKEYCOL’ : - [‘indexcol’, ‘datacol’, ‘table’, ‘keyacol’, ‘keya’, ‘keybcol’, ‘keyb’]


# the directory is tx-psycopg2
stype = 'psycopg2'
renew = True

Started extension for a Postgres-specifc source.

Not fully implemented.


# the directory is tx-pydatacsv
stype = 'PyDataCSV'
renew = False

All kwargs are passed to panda’s read_csv function.

Additional required kwargs:

  • ‘filepath_or_buffer’ - should be an absolute path. Relative will only work, if caching is only

performed by a python script which can access the relative path.

  • ‘data_column’ - the specific column required, so to turn the dataframe into a series.


# the directory is tx-pydatadatareaderst
stype = 'PyDataDataReaderST'
renew = True

This uses, all kwargs get passed to that.

start and end are optional, but must be of the form ‘YYYY-MM-DD’.

Will default to since the beginning of available data, and run through “today”.

data_column is required to be specified as well.


# the directory is tx-quandl
stype = 'Quandl'
renew = True

All kwargs are passed to Quandl’s API quandl.get()

An additional ‘fieldname’ is available to select a specific column if a specifc quandl DB, doesn’t support quandl’s version of the same feature.


# the directory is tx-sqlalchemy
stype = 'SQLAlchemy'
renew = True

a SQLAlchemy based an engine string could be used.

Not fully implemented


# the directory is tx-worldbankst
stype = 'WorldBankST'
renew = False

Uses to query indicators, for a specific country.

country, must be a world bank country code.

Some assumptions as implied about the indicator and the first level of the index. This may not work for all worldbank indicators.